Contradictions are nothing to Discordians. – Mad Malik of the Norton Cabal
An entertaining finding has come out of Canadian bioscience. Apparently, Canadian identical twins are not really identical. Presumably, we are expected to extrapolate that ALL identical twins are not truly identical, but that’s just not good science.
The findings of the Canadian researchers are basically that genes are dynamic and that small changes take place across the lifespan that occur independent of someone else having shared the same womb and genetic material.
Since most cultures in the world have long since gotten of the disturbing romanticization that identical twins are the same person, the societal implications of these findings are minimal. In fact, to most people, this neatly explains why Mary-Kate Olsen is disturbingly thin and addicted to cocaine, and Ashley Olsen somehow manages to mostly stay out of the tabloids.
The researchers want to point to the consequences on centuries or research, lamenting that they could never have the perfect control group after all. Unfortunately there is, and always has been, chaos in everything. In this case, the chaos in question is what the researchers know as confounds. They are always there, potentially messing with every attempt to determine a cause and effect relationship. The real lesson here is that there is no such thing as a perfect experiment. Chaos is everywhere. The only difference in a laboratory is that, if you’re very lucky, you’ll get to see exactly how it shatters everything you thought you knew, in real time.